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Friday, November 12, 2010

Busy Bee!!

It sure has been a while since I've updated....School has been crazy and I have been trying to just keep busy for reasons I won't mention here haha.
Sadly, since I've been running like crazy I haven't been actually *running* at the gym. I feel sucky, but what I need is a gym buddy!! 
haha....slim chances I'll find one out here haha!
Things are pretty much in the fast lane once halloween hits.
school hits crunch time
Jayk has a birthday
Aviation Nation
registration for next semester
Ian has a birthday
Dave-O has a birthday
Thanksgiving is a crazy thing to plan around here between two families
school gets even more crazy with finals approaching
it gets COLDER
Christmas shopping
the family Christmas party is in Kingman, AZ
School Finals hit
school is over(for now)
then Christmas happens twice between families
umm yea then Happy New year?? 

haha it is just non-stop shit to plan for after Halloween....its fun(most of it) don't get me wrong, but it doesn't leave much time for other things....oh well here goes....